• 12316 - Alavi
    Spesolimab for hidradenitis suppurativa: A proof-of-concept study
    Afsaneh Alavi, Errol Prens, Alexa B. Kimball, James G. Krueger, Sutirtha Mukhopadhyay, Hui Wang, Nathalie B. Ivanoff, Ana C. Hernandez Daly, Christos C. Zouboulis

  • 12318 - Armstrong
    Deucravacitinib, an oral, selective, allosteric tyrosine kinase 2 inhibitor, in moderate to severe plaque psoriasis: Correlations between patient-reported outcomes and clinical responses in the phase 3 clinical trials POETYK PSO-1 and POETYK PSO-2
    April W. Armstrong, Kim A. Papp, Joe Zhuo, Brandon Becker, Yichen Zhong, Jennifer L. Beaumont, Michael DeRosa, Renata M. Kisa, Subhashis Banerjee, Bruce Strober

  • 12319 - Armstrong
    Assessing humanistic burden in patients with moderate to severe psoriasis in the United States
    April W. Armstrong; Lauren Seigel; Sayeli Jayade; Sanika Rege; Hannah Penton; Vardhaman Patel; David Davidson; Samaneh Kalirai; Daniel Wolin; Kimberly Boyle; Tina Bhutani

  • 12320 - Armstrong
    Optimizing the Treatment Sequence: The Cumulative Clinical Benefit of Treatment Initiation With Deucravacitinib Versus Apremilast Over 52 Weeks in Patients With Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis From the POETYK PSO-1 trial
    April W. Armstrong; Sang Hee Park; Viktor Chirikov; Pierre Nicolas; Wei-Jhih Wang; Matthew J. Colombo; Vardhaman Patel

  • 12321 - Armstrong
    Optimizing the treatment sequence: The cumulative clinical benefit of treatment initiation with deucravacitinib versus apremilast over 52 weeks in patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis from the POETYK PSO-1 trial
    April W. Armstrong; Sang Hee Park; Viktor Chirikov; Pierre Nicolas; Wei-Jhih Wang; Matthew J. Colombo; Vardhaman Patel

  • 12322 - Armstrong
    Barriers to Accessing Treatment for Plaque Psoriasis: A National Psoriasis Foundation Survey
    April W. Armstrong, Tina Bhutani, Douglas DiRuggiero, Stephanie Simmerman, Kirk Gautier, Doral Fredericks, Anna M. Tallman

  • 12323 - Armstrong
    Assessing Imputation Methods With the Lebrikizumab Clinical Trial Program
    April W. Armstrong, Jonathan I. Silverberg, Jacob P. Thyssen, Richard B. Warren, Alan D. Irvine, Eric Wolf, Yuxin Ding, Yong Lin, Sarah Reifeis, Mertixell Falques, Eric Simpson

  • 12324 - Armstrong
    Treat-to-Target Outcomes and Measures of Treatment Success in Three Phase 3 Trials of Tapinarof Cream 1% Once Daily for Mild to Severe Plaque Psoriasis
    April W. Armstrong, Robert Bissonnette, Philip M. Brown, Anna M. Tallman, Kim A. Papp

  • 12325 - Armstrong
    Quality of Life and Mental Health of Patients Stratified by Prior Biologic Exposure: Post hoc Analysis of Brodalumab
    April Armstrong, Brad Glick, Tina Bhutani, Abby Jacobson

  • 12326 - Bagel
    Real-world effectiveness of dupilumab in atopic dermatitis: Consistency in rate and magnitude of improvement across observational study methodologies
    Jerry Bagel, Tien Q. Nguyen, Eric Simpson, Hermenio Lima, Dimittri Delevry, Chien-Chia Chuang, Debra Sierka, Moataz Daoud, Andrew Korotzer

  • 12328 - Baldwin
    Re-Formulating the Old Tretinoin: Unique Microencapsulated Tretinoin with Microencapsulated Benzoyl Peroxide Combination Product for Acne Vulgaris
    Hilary Baldwin, MD; Omar Noor, MD; Mark. Jackson, MD; Guy Webster, MD; Maya Erlich, PhD; Krysten Arekapudi, DNP; James J. Leyden, MD

  • 12327 - Baldwin
    Hilary Baldwin, MD; Boni Elewski, MD; Ofra Levy-Hacham, MD; Firas Hougier, MD; Paul Yamauchi, MD, PhD; Kate Hamil, PharmD; JP York, PhD; Julie Harper, MD

  • 12329 - Bhatia
    Real-world effectiveness and safety in a Phase 4 study of tildrakizumab in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis
    Neal Bhatia, J Gabriel Vasquez, Brad Schenkel, Ranga Gogineni, Jayme Heim

  • 12330 - Bhatia
    Psoriasis-related work productivity improvement from a Phase 4 real-world study of tildrakizumab in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis
    Neal Bhatia, Jayme Heim, Brad Schenkel, Ranga Gogineni, J Gabriel Vasquez

  • 12331 - Bissonnette
    Rapid, substantial, and sustained reduction of itch in adults with atopic dermatitis applying ruxolitinib cream
    Robert Bissonnette, MD, FRCPC, Haobo Ren, PhD, Haq Nawaz, MD, MPH, MBA, MS, Philippa Halden, MSc, Etienne Saint-Cyr Proulx, MD, FRCPC

  • 12334 - Blauvelt
    Efficacy and Safety of Roflumilast Foam 0.3% in Patients With Seborrheic Dermatitis in a Phase 3 Trial: Assessment of Pruritus
    Andrew Blauvelt, Zoe D. Draelos, Melinda Gooderham, Edward Lain, Angela Y. Moore, Kim A. Papp, Matthew Zirwas, David Krupa, Patrick Burnett, David R. Berk, David H. Chu

  • 12335 - Blauvelt
    Ruxolitinib Cream Monotherapy Use Demonstrates Maintenance of Disease and Symptom Control With Use As Needed in Adults and Adolescents With Atopic Dermatitis: Pooled Analysis From the Long Term Safety Periods of Two Phase 3 Studies
    Andrew Blauvelt, MD, MBA, Leon Kircik, MD, Eric L. Simpson, MD, MCR, Peter Lio, MD, Daniel Sturm, PharmD, Howard Kallender, PhD, Haobo Ren, PhD, Dilan Paranagama, PhD, Jessy Gao, MA, Lawrence F. Eichenfield, MD

  • 12332 - Blauvelt
    Deucravacitinib, an Oral, Selective, Allosteric Tyrosine Kinase 2 Inhibitor, in Scalp, Nail, and Palmoplantar Psoriasis: Subgroup Analyses of the Phase 3 POETYK PSO-1 and PSO-2 Trials
    Andrew Blauvelt, Phoebe Rich, Howard Sofen, Jo Lambert, Joseph F. Merola, Mark Lebwohl, Thomas Scharnitz, Kim Hoyt, Renata M. Kisa, Subhashis Banerjee, Alexandra B. Kimball

  • 12336 - Bouaziz
    Efficacy of nemolizumab in atopic dermatitis: Rapid impact on EASI and SCORAD components
    Jean-David Bouaziz, MD, PhD; Andreas Pinter, MD; Afsaneh Alavi, MD; Sandy Alpizar, MD; Grayzna Pulka, MD, PhD; Faiz Ahmad, MS; Kamel Chaouche, MD; Warren Winkelman, MD; Christophe Piketty, MD, PhD

  • 12338 - Cheng
    A case of accessory breast in an adolescent female
    Melissa Cheng, Christopher Wong DO, Michael Carletti DO, Stephen E. Weis DO